Guiding Principles are the root which has made Esaar a success it is today. They have been the principal authority that governed us and they continue to drive us in the direction of creating value for all the ones who believe in investing with us. Our 13 Guiding Principles are a blend of our ideals, culture and business ethics that ensure that the company takes the right path, for the right reasons, without compromising on the long-term vision.
We are an Organization of thoughts:
We believe that every successful venture begins with a great idea and our team constantly contributes their thoughts into everything we do. Our associations and our achievements are highly dependent on our ability to use greater ideation and more imagination in our approach.
We are transparent to our clients, investors, our employees and all our stake-holders:
We operate as a team, internally and externally. Individually our employees and clients are the best, but when we work as a team it becomes excellent. Teamwork and collaboration ensures a better and more balanced organisation. We believe in treating our clients as partners and show them the same respect and consideration that we would towards our internal team members.
We focus on the Long-Term. The world is evolving every second and it will keep on changing a lot in the coming years. We research, work and achieve long-term goals. We analyse the long-term implications of our actions. We have a team with a strong mindset and a clarity which can make short-term decisions, but while in the process we are also aware about the long-term implications.
We focus on Growth for our clients, employees and shareholders:
Our Reputation and Image is more important than any financial reward. Reputation is hard to build and even harder to rebuild. We strongly believe in delivering outputs better than our client’s expectations. This helps in building a strong relationship with our clients, investors and stakeholders which eventually leads to better reputation.
We Obey and Comply with the rules of the land:
We strive to maintain the highest standard of integrity and honesty. We seek for clarifications and details when unclear.
People are our priority. Our policies ensure transparency and equal opportunity for everyone. We go beyond the normal goals of attracting, recruiting, retaining and rewarding fine talent. We ensure that every individual associated with Esaar has an opportunity to explore and achieve using their fullest potential.
We Respect Risk:
Finance is a business that is going to face constant challenges. We respect that risk and we are proud of our risk taking capability that we are able to handle the challenge of balancing the risk and the reward. However, we constantly keep an eye on the risk, and the fluctuations that happen guide us through this fine balance.
Our Financial Capital is a critical resource for growth. We endeavour to grow, protect and use our financial capital wisely.
Our Customer Experience defines us. We strive to make it outstanding at all times.
We hear out and fulfil the customer’s needs:
Understanding is the beginning of every strong relationship. And listening to our customer’s needs is the key wherein we get an idea of their requirements and fulfil those with the most appropriate products and solutions.
We satisfy the needs of all stakeholders; shareholders who entrust us with their capital, employees who create the organisation, customers who are the reason we exist and society which gives us the resources and opportunity to create value.